WorkWell Initiative - WorkSafe Victoria

This initiative supports business leaders to prevent mental injury and promote a mentally healthy workplace with resources, funding and networking opportunities.

The WorkWell Toolkit is a free online tool. It uses a step-by-step approach to help business leaders to promote a mentally healthy workplace and prevent mental injury through access to tailored and relevant research, tools and information and provides all your policy templates, resources, videos, case studies and more, in the one location.

Step-by-step advice tailored to your business size and industry type. It offers a prevention led approach by supporting businesses to take a prevention-led approach to creating mentally healthy workplaces.

WorkSafe Victoria has recently added a helpful short video that provides an introduction and explanation of the WorkWell toolkit.

The video can be viewed here

Further details on the initiative can be found here This includes details on joining the email newsletter updates on how you can create a mentally healthy workplace and WorkWell Learning Networks that are currently available.


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