Asbestos Health & Safety Services

Asbestos is heavily regulated by the OHS Regulations 2017 and this places a number of requirements onto Employers and persons who manage and control workplaces.

HAZCON personnel have many years' experience in the asbestos field across a wide range of industries. We offer a full asbestos advisory service including audits, risk assessments, sample analysis, air monitoring and clearance inspections.

We also have a number of specific Asbestos Management Programs which will assist you to manage asbestos in the workplace. This can be in the form of an electronic database made available on your intranet or via a DVD based format.

HAZCON also provides training on your specific asbestos management policies and procedures to maintenance staff and we can update your Asbestos Register to ensure compliance with all legislative requirements.



Change Management – Is it harmful?

Posted by Kathryn Pourau on 17 July 2024
Change Management – Is it harmful? Facing the reality of change in the current economic/employment market is a daunting situation. Talking wi...

How would you respond in an emergency?

Posted by Richard Forster on 9 April 2024
How would you respond in an emergency and are your people trained as wardens? Emergency situations can be many and varied. Ask yourself, does your...
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