Asbestos Audits

Under the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2017, the person who has management or control of a workplace and the employer have a duty to determine whether there is asbestos present in the workplace. If asbestos is found, its location must be identified and its details recorded in an Asbestos Register.

An Asbestos Audit is a non-invasive audit for an operating workplace and fulfils the duty of the employer to identify and assess as far as reasonably practicable the risk of asbestos in the workplace. It involves an inspection of the workplace by one of HAZCON's auditors. The auditor will identify the type, location, 'friability' and condition of the asbestos containing materials present.

The auditor will take a number of samples for analysis at HAZCON's NATA Accredited laboratory. Destructive sampling may be required; however it is only undertaken with permission from the building owner.

The auditor will also identify any inaccessible areas likely to contain asbestos and will determine whether the asbestos containing materials in the workplace may be subject to damage or disturbance. An Asbestos Register must be created for all workplaces and be reviewed at least every 5 years, or after significant removal works.

The Managing asbestos in workplaces Compliance Code 2019 also refers to Asbestos Management Plans to ensure the employers meet the requirements of the OHS Act in relation to safe systems of work.

If you would like more information or a quote then please Contact Us

Audit Request Checklist

Client Details Required

  • Name and Position;
  • Company Name and Address;
  • Phone Number; and
  • Email address.

Building Details

  • Site Address (if different to company address);
  • Age and Size of building;
  • Any previous asbestos registers;
  • Site Plans; if available; and
  • Accessibility to site details.



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