Managing & Planning Asbestos Removal Projects

Duration: 2 hours

Aim: The aim of this course is to provide an understanding of the responsibilities under the OH&S Regulations 2017.

Key Areas Covered:

  • OH&S Regulations 2017
  • How to Comply with the Regulations in a Cost Effective and Appropriate Way
  • Understanding the Mechanics of Hearing Loss

Target Audience: All employees and employers in industrial environments.

This HSE training course is not currently available in HAZCON's public training schedule. This course can be conducted 'in house' at your company's premises or at HAZCON's specialised training facilities in Trafalgar or Notting Hill.

We will be happy to discuss your requirements and prepare a quote for you.

If you are interested you can contact us on 1800 429 266 or on email:


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