Confined Space Refresher

Duration: 4 Hours

Aim: This four hour course will give participants a refresher of the knowledge and practical skills required to perform work activities safely in a Confined Space area.

The WorkSafe Victoria Compliance Code for Confined Spaces states; "Retraining or refresher training should be provided as appropriate for a particular workplace."

The WorkSafe Victoria Compliance Code for Confined Spaces recommends that the frequency of the refresher training should be determined having regard to the points below and the frequency with which employees are required to carry out tasks associated with entry to or work in confined spaces.

  • Enter  or work in confined spaces
  • Issue confined space entry permits
  • Undertake hazard identification  and risk control in relation to confined spaces
  • Act as a standby or spotter
  • Manage or supervise people or contractors working in or near confined spaces
  • Maintain equipment used in relation to work in confined spaces
  • Wear or maintain Personal Protective Equipment PPE for use in confined spaces
  • Are involved in rescue and first aid

If any of the points are applicable to you and/or your workplace then it is strongly recommended that employees attend refresher training for entry into confined spaces. 

Key Areas Covered:

  • What is a confined space?
  • Employer responsibilities
  • Hazard identification and hazard control
  • PPE & safety equipment
  • Overview of the rescue process

Target Audience: Anyone who has previously completed a Confined Space Entry training course.

Certificate: Students will be issued with a Certificate of Attendance.

Confined Space Refresher
Times: 8:30am - 12:30pm.
Cost: $255 per person (including GST and comprehensive course notes).
DatesLocation Book
Thursday, 29 February 2024Notting HillClosed
Tuesday, 6 August 2024Notting HillBook
Monday, 28 October 2024Notting HillBook


  • Additional public courses can potentially be scheduled on demand; please contact us to express your interest.
  • Training course can be conducted exclusively for a group of your staff, on-site at your company's premises or at one of HAZCON's training facilities (in Notting Hill or Trafalgar).  Please note prices vary, but we are happy to arrange a proposal for you.
  • We offer tailored training to include your relevant policies and procedure and incorporating Confined Space Refresher training into your company's training schedule so that you meet your legislative obligations.

Please feel free to contact us on 1800 429 266 or to discuss your training requirements.


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