1800 429 266

Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) Services

HAZCON is able to provide a highly focussed team aimed at providing cost effective ways for organisations both large and small to ensure that they comply with their legal and moral responsibility to provide safe and healthy workplaces and safe systems of work for their workers as well as providing an appropriately trained and qualified resources.

HAZCON can assist an organisation in two ways:

  • Short Term Placement for organisations who may find themselves without sufficient safety resources to maintain their HSE systems due to major projects, serious incidents, resignation, illness or staff on extended leave.  HAZCON can place a HSE professional into a temporary role to fill the need until normal staffing levels are restored.
  • Ongoing part time placement for Small to Medium Enterprises (SME) who have a need to establish or maintain a HSE management system, but may not be able to justify a full time role.  HAZCON can place a HSE professional into an ongoing part time placement in negotiation with the SME. The professional can help develop and embed the HSE policies and procedures.

Our consultants are experienced in all areas of HSE and excel in working together as a team to provide total solutions for your needs which can involve strategic planning, implementation and review.

To find out more about the Safety Services division and discuss your needs, please contact us on 1800 429 266 or email hazcon@hazcon.com.au


Trenching and Excavation Requirements.

Posted by Andy Perry on 14 June 2023
Trenching and Excavation Requirements Working in or near trenches and excavations can be extremely hazardous. As result, WorkSafe Victoria has rel...

Motivation Secrets of Great Leaders

Posted by HAZCON on 13 June 2023
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