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WorkSafe Victoria – Mental Health Update

Posted by Richard Forster on 17 October 2023

As we continue to wait for WorkSafe Victoria to introduce new legislation to regulate psychological health in the form of the proposed Occupational Health and Safety Amendment (Psychological Health) Regulations, it may be timely to consider what is currently available.

WorkSafe has recently made changes to its website focusing all relevant aspects of mental health in one place. This should help avoid spending time trying to find important information on a website that can sometimes appear to be a labyrinth!

Now positioned under safety and wellbeing, the new page on mental health provides links to the following

  • Mental health in your workplace
  • Psychological health regulations
  • Workwell
  • Support and treatment
  • People at work survey
  • Mental health strategy

The page is further broken down into the following topics

  • Work-related stress
  • Work-related violence
  • Work-related gendered violence including sexual harassment
  • Workplace bullying
  • Work-related fatigue

The guidance ranges from the basics of mental health through to case studies, videos and templates such as Business case for mental health and wellbeing template | WorkSafe Victoria as well as a toolkit WorkWell Toolkit | WorkSafe Victoria

In the absence of specific legislation and a compliance code, there is still a range of useful and informative material to assist employers and managers to meet the general duties under Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004.

For further information click here

Author:Richard Forster


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